HBO1 is cytosolically degraded. A, pcDNA3.1/Fbxw15/V5 plasmids (4 μg) were transfected into MLE cells for 48 h. The cells were harvested and subjected subcellular protein fractionation. The cytosolic (lane C) and the nuclear (lane N) fractions were analyzed by HBO1, lamin A/C, V5 and β-actin immunoblotting. Lamin A/C was used as the nuclear protein marker, and β-actin was used as the cytosolic marker. B, cells treated with 20 μm of cycloheximide (CHX) for various time points were subjected to subcellular protein fractionation. The fractions were analyzed by HBO1, lamin A/C, and β-actin immunoblotting. C, densitometric results from immunoblots in B were plotted and presented. The data are representative of three separate experiments.