Figure 7. At threshold, more cones are required to see the stimulus at locations outside the PRLF.
Simulated cone–stimulus interaction profiles. Each circle denotes a cone aperture; color represents the normalized level of aperture filling for a single frame of stimulus presentation. Cone locations were obtained from retinal imagery for all locations except the PRLF of the control eye, which was modeled as a triangular mosaic (l; denoted with dashed outline). Cone aperture was modeled as a 2D Gaussian, with full width at half maximum set to 34% of ICD. Cone apertures shown in blue were filled with light, while those shown in red were filled with the stimulus; color bar gives normalized level of cone stimulation (stimulus aperture filling). a) JC_1045 (OS): PRLF; b) JC_1045 (OS): 2.05°; c) JC_1045 (OD): PRLF; d) JC_1045 (OD): 0.94°; e) JC_1043: PRLF; f) JC_1043∶0.86°; g) JC_1043∶2.65°; h) JC_1041: PRLF; i) JC_1041∶0.86°; j) JC_1041∶1.92°; k) JC_1041∶2.5°; l) control: PRLF; m) control: 1.28°; n) control: 2.66°.