Simultaneous depletion of all three Rap2 isoforms (A, B) increases the barrier resistance of HUVEC monolayers, whereas individual depletion of Rap2A, Rap2B and Rap2C showed no effect (C, D). Analysis was performed as in Figure 1. Different colors represent individual independent experiments (A: n = 6, C: n = 3 for siRap2A and siRap2C, n = 6 for siRap2B). Averages are indicated by black lines. (B, D) The Western blots show Rap2 protein depletion. (E) HUVECs transfected with siScrambled, siRap2A, siRap2B or siRap2C were grown to confluency, after which RNA was extracted and Rap2 mRNA levels were assessed by QPCR. The histogram shows averages of three independent experiments which were related to one identical reference mRNA extraction of untreated cells. Error bars indicate standard deviation.