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. 2013 Mar;202(3):228–234. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.111153

Table 4.

Percentage distribution of reasons given for rejecting psychiatry and for rejecting all other specialties combineda

Reason for rejection of specialty Psychiatry
(n = 99), %
Other specialties
(n = 2168), %
Testb P
Job content 71.7 33.3 χ21 = 59.75 <0.001

Self-appraisal 12.1 4.2 χ21 = 12.2 <0.001

Too stressful/lack of support/working conditions 8.1 10.3

Work–life balance 5.1 41.9 χ21 = 51.87 <0.001

Training 2 8.3 χ21 = 4.29 <0.05

Training too long 2 5.3

Future of the specialty uncertain 2 2

Advice from others 2 1.4

Working relationships in the specialty 2 5.2

Lack of exposure and opportunities so far 2 2.1

Competition 1 12.7 χ21 = 12.7 <0.001

Inadequate income 1 1.2

Personal circumstances 1 1.5

Fear of litigation 0 2.5

Some doctors gave more than one reason and we counted each reason.


Significance tests, comparing those rejecting psychiatry and those rejecting other specialties.