Phenotype of pROP6>>GFP-rop6DN plants. A and B, A rop6DN plant with folded rosette leaves. Note the loss of apical dominance in the rop6DN plant, characterized by the development of many short adventitious inflorescence stems. Folded cauline leaves are highlighted (arrow). C and D, Rosette leaves of wild-type (C) and rop6DN (D) plants. E and F, Cauline leaves of wild-type (E) and rop6DN (F) plants. G to J, Scanning electron microscopy images of epidermal cells from rosette leaves (G and H) and cauline leaves (I and J) from wild-type (G and I) and rop6DN (H and J) plants. Note the loss of lobes in the epidermal cells of rop6DN plants. Bars = 1 cm (A and B), 0.5 cm (C–F), and 10 μm (G–J). [See online article for color version of this figure.]