Nodal cilia are not posteriorly positioned in Vangl2Lp Cfl1C5 double mutants. (A,C,E) Scanning electron microscope images of the node show that cilia are polarized to the posterior of node cells in wild type, Cfl1C5 and Vangl2Lp single mutants. (B,D,F) Basal bodies, visualized by the centrosomal protein pericentrin (green), show a similar posterior position in the cells of wild type, Cfl1C5 and Vangl2Lp single mutants. F-actin at the cell borders is highlighted with phalloidin (red). (G) In Vangl2Lp Cfl1C5 double mutants, many cilia point anteriorly (arrows).(H) Many basal bodies are mislocalized to the anterior half of the cell in Vangl2Lp Cfl1C5 double mutants (arrows). Anterior is towards the top in all images. (I) The relative localization of basal bodies in individual central node cells was quantified from immunofluorescence images from at least three embryos per genotype. The graph shows that basal bodies in double mutants are not positioned on the posterior of cells; in addition, there is a greater variance in the placement of cilia compared with wild type or either single mutant. Data are mean±s.d. Scale bars: 2 μm.