Mushroom bodies of Catajapyx aquilonaris. A) mb3 with Kenyon cells and connection to calyx 1. B) Calyx 2 showing cores of small darkly stained granules (arrow). Group of cells (dashed line, asterisk marks large single cell) with weakly stained cytoplasm. Inset: neurites of the same cell group (asterisk) extending through the middle of the peduncle of mb2 (arrow). C, D, F) Brain of Catajapyx aquilonaris stained with an antibody against DC0 (red), DAPI (blue) and phalloidin (green). Note that mb5 is connected across the midline. E) For comparison: DC0-like ir in Lithobius sp. is strong in the Kenyon cells and Trauben of the mb (asterisk). G) Midline spanning commissure-like connection (arrow) of mb5 and two of its Trauben (asterisk). H) Diagram of the mushroom body system in Catajapyx aquilonaris. Crossing lines of different color are not connected. Abbreviations: act1 antenno-cerebral tract 1, kc Kenyon cells, mb[x] mushroom body number x, clx[x] calyx x. Scale bars: A, F: 20 μm, B, G: 10 μm, C, D: 40 μm, E: 100 μm.