Database plots for interferon-inducible helicase 1 (Ifih1). Sample plots for a given gene of interest that can be obtained from our online database. a Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) response of Ifih1 in macrophages of the HMDP. b Genome-wide association for the expression of Ifih1 in LPS-treated macrophages. c Relative expression levels among mouse strains of the HMDP in adipose, aorta, heart, and liver, and for macrophages treated with control, LPS or oxidation products of 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (OxPAPC) media. Robust microarray average (RMA) refers to an algorithm for gene expression microarray background corrections. We used the Affymetrix GCOS RMA algorithm