Obtain EMMA in an R package |
http://mouse.cs.ucla.edu/emma/ |
EMMA server |
Input data and obtain analysis |
http://mouse.cs.ucla.edu/emmaserver/ |
EMMA power simulator |
R package allowing statistical power experiment via in silico mapping |
http://mouse.cs.ucla.edu/power/ |
EMMA study design Webserver |
Provides power simulations with various background genetic effects and threshold estimations |
http://mouse.cs.ucla.edu/emmaserver/powerSimulation/ |
Mouse HapMap |
Latest genetic maps that are regularly updated |
http://mouse.cs.ucla.edu/mousehapmap/ |
Mouse genome informatics (JAX) |
Search tools for gene names and chromosomal positions, phenotypes, expression, orthology, and other features |
http://www.informatics.jax.org/ |
SGR HMDP database |
Database for HMDP and several F2 studies with cQTL, eQTL, heatmap and correlation analyses |
http://systems.genetics.ucla.edu |
Genenetwork |
Study relationships among phenotypes and genotypes |
http://www.genenetwork.org/webqtl/main.py |
Mouse phenome database (JAX) |
Phenotypes across hundreds of strains contributed by over 200 investigators |
http://phenome.jax.org/ |
Wellcome trust center for human genetics |
Center to understand the genetic foundations of human variation and disease |
http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/home |
Perlegen |
Perlegen mouse SNP browser covering 12 classical inbred strains and 4 wild-derived strains |
http://mouse.cs.ucla.edu/perlegen/ |
Mouse genomes project |
Nucleotide sequence database for many key mouse strains |
http://sanger.ac.uk/resources/mouse/genomes/ |