Effects of serotype and dose on in vivo testing of Eq-Opt-IL-1ra-scAAV and GFPscAAV. (a) Clinical design for the dosing of Horse 2 (horse used for short-term administration). The blue circles correspond to the carpal joints, and the green circles correspond to the metacarpophalangeal joints. scAAV constructs were given at specific concentrations per joint, whereas 5 ml of saline was administered into the control joint. (b) IL-1ra expression (left y-axis) in bars and WBC counts (right y-axis) in line graph (cells/µl) in the synovial fluid of the carpus and metacarpophalangeal joints of Horse 2. Each joint is graphed separately over time. IL-1ra levels were assessed with an equine IL-1ra ELISA kit. Note: the WBC numbers on the top right graph are higher due to a higher WBC count in that joint. WBC counts were not determined at D23. (c) Clinical design for the dosing of Horse 1 (horse used for long-term study). The blue circles correspond to the carpal joints, and the green circles correspond to the metacarpal phalangeal joints. scAAV constructs were given at specific concentrations per joint, whereas 5 ml of saline was administered into the control joint. (d) IL-1ra expression (left y-axis) and WBC counts (cells/µl) (right y-axis) in the synovial fluid of the carpus and metacarpophalangeal joints of Horse 1. Each joint is graphed separately over time. GFP, green fluorescent protein; IL, interleukin; scAAV, self-complementary adeno-associated virus; vp, viral particles.