Fig. 3.
GA effects on PIN-mediated root gravitropism. 35S::PIN1 were germinated on one-half MS medium and subsequently sprayed with DMSO (A) or 10 μM uniconazole (B). Images were taken 2 wk after start of treatments. Large arrows indicate direction of the gravity vector and small arrows indicate root growth along the gravity vector after treatment. gaiΔ17 was introgressed into 35S::PIN1 background, and root growth and immune stainings analysis were performed. (C) Root growth of WT Landsberg erecta (Ler), 35S::PIN1, 35S::PIN1 × gaiΔ17, and gaiΔ17 seedlings is shown. (D–H) Immunolocalization of PIN1 was done in root tips of (E) WT Ler seedlings, (F) 35S::PIN1, (G) 35S::PIN1 × gaiΔ17, and (H) gaiΔ17. Quantification of PIN1 signals in the root epidermis (E–H) is shown in D. Arrowheads indicate ectopic localization of PIN1 in the PIN1 overexpression line (F). Heat map provides a color code of fluorescence signal intensities shown in E–H. (Scale bars: A and B, 1 cm; E–H, 30 μm.)