Figure 3.
Ancestral (F0 generation female) exposure to jet fuel (hydrocarbon mixture JP8) and pubertal abnormalities in females and males, and primordial follicle loss and polycystic ovary disease in females. Percentages of females (panel A) and males (panel B) with pubertal abnormality or those with primordial follicle loss (panel C) or polycystic ovary disease (panel D) in F1 and F3 generations are presented. Small follicular cysts (panel E) and luteal cysts (panels F and G) were present in ovaries of jet fuel lineage (Scale bar = 100 µm; 25 µm for inset in panel E). The number of diseased rats / total number of rats in each group is shown above the respective bar graphs (* P<0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001). Arrows identify ovarian cysts.