Figure 2.
Pcyt2 mRNA splicing. Pcyt2α mRNA is composed of 14 exons. Exons 1–6 are shared with Pcyt2β and Pcyt2γ. The exon 7 is spliced from Pcyt2β due to “exon-skipping”. The rest of the mRNA from Exons 8–14 are identical in Pcyt2α and Pcyt2β. Pcyt2γ is made of 8 exons. Last two exons, depicted as Exons 7A and 8A are products of different splicing and have different structure due to retention of parts of introns 7 and 8. Region encoding the 1st putative CTP binding site is conserved in all transcripts while the 2nd putative CTP binding site is present only in Pcyt2α and Pcyt2β. Due to the different splicing mechanism and shorter transcript size, Pcyt2γ does not retain the 2nd CTP binding site.