Phylogenetic placement of Cordyline virus 2 (CoV-2), CoV-3, and CoV-4 within the family Closteroviridae using the combined RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, heat shock protein 70 homolog, p60, and coat protein amino acid sequences with a neighbor-joining algorithm and 1000 bootstrap replications. Branch support is indicated in percentage support, and is 100% unless indicated, and the scale provides branch distance for the given number of substitutions. Virus abbreviations (GenBank accession numbers) are: Genus Ampelovirus: GLRaV-1, Grapevine leafroll associated virus 1 (AF195822); GLRaV-3 (NC_004667); GLRaV-4 (NC_016416); LChV-2 (AF416335); PBNSPaV, Plum bark necrosis stem pitting associated virus (YP_001552326); PMWaV-1, Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus 1 (AF414119); PMWaV-2 (AF283103); PMWaV-3 (DQ399259); Genus Closterovirus: BYSV, Beet yellow stunt virus (U51931); BYV, Beet yellows virus (AF190581); CTV, Citrus tristeza virus (NC_001661); CYLV, Carrot yellow leaf virus (NC_013007); GLRaV-2 (AF039204); MV-1, Mint virus-1 (NC_006944); RLMV, Raspberry leaf mottle virus (NC_008585); SCFaV, Strawberry chlorotic fleck-associated virus (DQ860839); Genus Crinivirus: BnYDV, Bean yellow disorder virus (NC_010560/NC_010561); BPYV, Beet pseudoyellows virus (NC_005209/NC_005210); BYVaV, Blackberry yellow vein-associated virus (NC_006962/NC_006963); CCYV, Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (AB523788/AB523789); CYSDV, Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (NC_004809/NC_004810); LCV, Lettuce chlorosis virus (NC_012909/NC_012910); LIYV, Lettuce infectious yellows virus (NC_003617/NC_003618); PYVV, Potato yellow vein virus (NC_006062/NC_006063), SPaV, Strawberry pallidosis-associated virus (NC_005895/NC_005896); SPCSV, Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (NC_004123/NC_004124); TICV, Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (NC_013258/NC_013259); ToCV, Tomato chlorosis virus (NC_007340/NC_007341); Genus “Velarivirus” (proposed): CoV-1 (HM588723); CoV-2 (JQ599282); CoV-3 (JQ59983); CoV-4 (JQ599284); LChV-1, Little cherry virus 1 (NC_001836); GLRaV-7 (NC_016436); unassigned: MVBaV, Mint vein banding associated virus (AY548173).