(a) Reconstruction of L1 ENGC (green), L2 NGC (brown) and multiple L5 pyramidal neurons recorded simultaneously. The double colored dots indicate the putative synaptic contacts. Note the putative synaptic contacts from ENGC on terminal tuft dendrites of L5 pyramidal neurons.
(b) Single action potentials elicited in presynaptic ENGC and NGC evoked uIPSPs in postsynaptic NGC, ENGC and two L5 pyramidal neurons (grey and black). The above schematic drawing shows symbolically the synaptic connections. Scale bars apply to all recording traces with 80 mV and 2 mV bars applied to traces with and without action potentials, respectively.
(c) The plot shows the relative position of L2/3 interneurons and L5 pyramidal neurons to ENGCs and connectivity between ENGCs and L2/3 interneurons or L5 pyramidal neurons in the same and neighboring columns. Note the origin of X and Y axes indicating the soma location of ENGCs, filled and empty dots representing connected and unconnected neurons, respectively, and reduced cell density at the border of columns.
(d) Values for the connectivity of ENGC→L2/3I (ENGC→L2/3ISame column: 22.1%, n=126 of 570 tested connections; ENGC→L2/3INeighboring column: 9.1 %, n=11 of 121 tested connections; χ2=10.6) and ENGC→L5P (ENGC→L5PSame column: 20.4%, n=53 of 259 tested connections; ENGC→L5PNeighboring column: 5.2%, n=6 of 116 tested connections; χ2=14.1). Asterisks indicate p<0.05 (Chi-squared tests).