Figure 2. Lifespan analysis of C. elegans strains in the presence of TCA cycle intermediates.
10 mM concentrations of malate, succinate, or fumarate were present where indicated. (A) Malate (log-rank p<0.001) or fumarate (log-rank p<0.001), but not succinate (log-rank p = 0.72) extended lifespan of N2 worms. (B) Neither malate (log-rank p = 0.97) nor succinate (log-rank p = 0.88) extended lifespan of sir-2.1(ok434) worms. (C) No effect of malate treatment (log-rank p = 0.22) on lifespan and decreased lifespan with succinate treatment (log-rank p<0.001) in eat-2(ad1116) worms. (D) Neither malate (log-rank p = 0.83) nor succinate (log-rank p = 0.22) extended lifespan of daf-16(mgDf50) worms. (E) 10 mM malate (log-rank p = 0.08) did not extend the lifespan of HSF-1 mutant hsf-1(sy441) worms. (F) Neither 10 mM malate (log-rank p = 0.18) nor 10 mM succinate (log-rank p = 0.10) extended lifespan of AMPK mutant aak-2(ok524) worms.