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. 2013 Mar 5;8(3):e58019. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058019

Table 1. A comparison of the general WHO guidelines with the possible recommendations for the study area, based on threshold analysis.

Management of a febrile patient Child, dry season Child, rainy season Adult, dry season Adult, rainy season
WHO guidelines Test, treat for malaria if positive, consider other possible causes if negative Id. Id. Id.
Threshold analysis, costs not considered Treat for malaria without test, consider other possible causes Id. Refrain from both test and malaria treatment, consider other possible causes Test, treat for malaria if positive, consider other possible causes regardless the result
Threshold analysis, costs considered Treat for malaria without test, consider other possible causes Id. Refrain from both test and malaria treatment, consider other possible causes Id., or treat for malaria with alternative regimen

x = diseased; 1-x = not diseased; Tc = Treatment cost; Tmort = mortality caused by the treatment; Lv = value of a death averted; Dmort = Disease mortality; t = test threshold; tT test/treatment threshold; tc = test cost; FP = false positive rate; TP = true positive rate; FN = false negative rate; TN = true negative rate; Tb = Treatment burden ( = Tc +Tmort * Lv); Db = Disease burden ( = Dmort * Lv).

Tc = Treatment cost; Tmort = mortality caused by the treatment; Lv = value of a death averted; Dmort = Disease mortality; t = test threshold; tT test/treatment threshold; tc = test cost; FP = false positive rate; TP = true positive rate; FN = false negative rate; TN = true negative rate; Tb = Treatment burden ( = Tc +Tmort * Lv); Db = Disease burden ( = Dmort * Lv).