Table 1. A comparison of the general WHO guidelines with the possible recommendations for the study area, based on threshold analysis.
Management of a febrile patient | Child, dry season | Child, rainy season | Adult, dry season | Adult, rainy season |
WHO guidelines | Test, treat for malaria if positive, consider other possible causes if negative | Id. | Id. | Id. |
Threshold analysis, costs not considered | Treat for malaria without test, consider other possible causes | Id. | Refrain from both test and malaria treatment, consider other possible causes | Test, treat for malaria if positive, consider other possible causes regardless the result |
Threshold analysis, costs considered | Treat for malaria without test, consider other possible causes | Id. | Refrain from both test and malaria treatment, consider other possible causes | Id., or treat for malaria with alternative regimen |
x = diseased; 1-x = not diseased; Tc = Treatment cost; Tmort = mortality caused by the treatment; Lv = value of a death averted; Dmort = Disease mortality; t = test threshold; tT test/treatment threshold; tc = test cost; FP = false positive rate; TP = true positive rate; FN = false negative rate; TN = true negative rate; Tb = Treatment burden ( = Tc +Tmort * Lv); Db = Disease burden ( = Dmort * Lv).
Tc = Treatment cost; Tmort = mortality caused by the treatment; Lv = value of a death averted; Dmort = Disease mortality; t = test threshold; tT test/treatment threshold; tc = test cost; FP = false positive rate; TP = true positive rate; FN = false negative rate; TN = true negative rate; Tb = Treatment burden ( = Tc +Tmort * Lv); Db = Disease burden ( = Dmort * Lv).