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. 2012 Sep 13;37(9):869–881. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjs070

Table 2.

Test–retest correlation coefficients (Pearson r) for the traits considered reliable, their average ratings, and correlation (r) between the ratings and age

Item Measure Test–retest correlation N Mean SD Correlation with age
Sucrose Sweetness 0.54* 570 4.68 2.00 −0.06
Liking 0.52* 569 4.51 1.71 −0.20*
Intensity 0.41* 570 3.14 1.56 0.07
NaCl Sweetness 0.52* 569 0.31 0.83 0.13*
Bitterness 0.45* 570 1.25 1.95 −0.14*
Liking 0.59* 569 1.67 1.64 0.08*
Citric acid Sweetness 0.57* 386 0.70 1.28 −0.10*
Saltiness 0.54* 385 1.15 1.68 −0.02
Sourness 0.42* 385 3.67 2.39 0.05
Bitterness 0.70* 388 2.91 2.49 −0.01
Burn 0.50* 385 3.67 2.39 0.00
Liking 0.47* 386 1.45 1.48 0.01
10% ethanol Saltiness 0.42* 386 0.89 1.41 0.01
Sourness 0.46* 387 1.70 2.19 0.07
20% ethanol (taste) Sweetness 0.43* 571 0.83 1.49 0.09*
Saltiness 0.62* 567 0.95 1.59 0.03
Sourness 0.43* 570 2.01 2.43 0.08
Bitterness 0.57* 570 4.13 2.67 0.05
Liking 0.52* 567 1.14 1.61 0.08
Intensity 0.49* 566 5.78 1.47 −0.04
20% ethanol (flavor) Sweetness 0.52* 386 1.25 1.76 −0.03
Saltiness 0.44* 386 1.02 1.55 0.09
Sourness 0.49* 382 2.06 2.34 0.13*
Bitterness 0.56* 383 4.23 2.54 0.12*
Burn 0.49* 388 4.59 2.24 −0.08
Liking 0.61* 388 1.78 1.94 −0.07
Intensity 0.41* 388 5.81 1.33 0.04
Quinine Sweetness 0.69* 388 0.43 0.82 0.11*
Saltiness 0.53* 387 0.77 1.28 −0.01
Bitterness 0.51* 388 3.95 2.49 0.03
Burn 0.63* 387 1.44 1.92 −0.11*
Intensity 0.40* 386 3.88 2.08 0.08
PTC Sourness 0.41* 571 1.69 2.44 0.08*
Bitterness 0.6* 571 4.33 2.87 0.02
Burn 0.67* 571 1.70 2.29 −0.11*
Liking 0.5* 569 1.40 1.76 0.08
Intensity 0.73* 570 4.39 2.61 −0.01
KCl Sweetness 0.57* 368 0.36 0.81 0.01
Sourness 0.42* 366 1.41 2.14 0.10
Burn 0.40* 369 0.90 1.47 −0.02
CaCl2 Sweetness 0.94* 302 0.30 0.74 −0.07
Saltiness 0.83* 301 2.71 2.59 −0.06
Sourness 0.82* 300 2.24 2.53 −0.02
Bitterness 0.56* 303 5.06 2.44 0.04
Burn 0.51* 302 2.01 2.23 −0.06
Cinnamon Detection NA 258 1.00 NA NA
Liking 0.73* 257 6.43 1.28 −0.20*
Intensity 0.43* 257 5.23 1.27 0.01
20% ethanol (odor) Detection NA 258 0.76 NA NA
Androstenone Detection NA 258 0.53 NA NA
Liking 0.62* 136 1.94 1.68 0.07
Intensity 0.50 136 3.66 2.40 0.09
Galaxolide Detection NA 258 0.76 NA NA
Liking 0.71* 195 4.69 2.02 −0.06
Cilantro (odor) Pleasantness 0.56* 256 −3.15 4.69 0.13*
Basil (odor) Pleasantness 0.43* 255 1.28 5.23 −0.04
Cilantro (flavor) Pleasantness 0.88* 257 −1.90 5.98 −0.10
Basil (flavor) Pleasantness 0.78* 255 −2.19 6.14 −0.02

Results are shown for the traits that met reliability criterion (test–retest correlation, r > 0.40). Test–retest correlations are from ratings in consecutive years for all traits except for CaCl2, odorants, and herbs (cilantro and basil), for which the test–retest correlations are from ratings in consecutive days because they were tested only in 2010 or 2011. For test–retest correlations, N = 139 for all taste stimuli except N = 88 for KCl, N = 47 for CaCl2, and N = 17–34 for odorants and herbs. Potential range for ratings of herbs was 0.0–13.7; for all other stimuli, 0.0–7.7. For the trait “Detection,” the mean fraction of all subjects who could smell the odorant is provided.

NA, not applicable.

*P < 0.05.