Figure 2. The cytosolic sequence of LAMP2C directly interacts with RNA. (A) Protein interactions of LAMP2C peptide were analyzed by pull-down assay using brain lysates preincubated with or without RNase A. (B) Pull-down assay using lysates of HeLa cells transfected with the indicated constructs. (C) A pull-down assay was performed using brain lysate, and RNA was detected with EtBr. The intense signal in the input lane (*) is presumably degraded RNA in the brain lysate. (D) Interactions of purified total RNA with cytosolic sequence of LAMP2C. Amounts of RNA remaining in the flow-through fraction were quantified by measuring OD260 (n = 4). (E) Interactions of purified total RNA with cytosolic sequences of nematode and fly LAMPs.