Fig. 3.
Kaplan–Meier survival estimations of patients treated with MCN under various conditions. The number of patients at risk at each time point is shown below the graphs. a Overall survivals among Child–Pugh class A patients (C-P A; n = 502, solid line) and class B patients (C-P B; n = 216, dotted line), P < 0.0001. b Overall survival according to the Japan Integrated Staging (JIS) score, P < 0.0001. c Overall survivals of patients with ≤3 tumors (n = 551, solid line) and those with ≥4 tumors (n = 168, dotted line), P = 0.0016. d Overall survival of patients who met the Milan criteria (Within Milan; n = 470, solid line) versus those who did not (Beyond Milan; n = 249, dotted line), P < 0.0001