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. 2013 Mar 7;3:46. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2013.00046

Table 2.

Post-translational modifications (PTM) at telomeres.

Modification target Org. PTM type Responsible enzyme Function(s) Reference
H3K9 m Methylation SUV39H1, SUV39H2 Chromatin compaction Blasco (2007)
H4K20 m Methylation SUV4-20H1, SUV4-20H2 Chromatin compaction Blasco (2007)
H3K79 m Methylation Dot1L Chromatin compaction Jones et al. (2008)
H2BK5, H3K4 h Methylation nd nd Rosenfeld et al. (2009)
H3K9 At Methylation nd nd Vrbsky et al. (2010)
H3K27, H3K4 At Methylation nd nd Vrbsky et al. (2010), Vaquero-Sedas et al. (2012)
H2AX h Phosphorylation ATM, ATR, DNA-PKcs DDR signaling Takai et al. (2003)
H2A, H2AX m Ubiquitylation RNF8 DDR signaling Peuscher and Jacobs (2011), Jacobs (2012)
H2A, H2AX m, h Ubiquitylation RNF168 Recruitment of 53BP1; NHEJ signaling Doil et al. (2009), Okamoto et al. (2013)
H4K12 Sc Acetylation NuA4 Regulation of chromatin plasticity and accessibility Zhou et al. (2011)
H3K9 At Acetylation nd nd Vaquero-Sedas et al. (2012)
H3K9ac, H3K56ac h Deacetylation SIRT6 Chromatin compaction Michishita et al. (2008), reviewed in Tennen and Chua (2011)
H3K9ac m Deacetylation SIRT1 Chromatin compaction Palacios et al. (2010)
TRF1 h Ubiquitylation Fbx4, RLIM TRF1 turnover Chang et al. (2003), Her and Chung (2009)
TPP1 m, h Ubiquitylation RNF8 TPP1 stabilization; A-NHEJ repression Rai et al. (2011)
TRF2 h Ubiquitylation Siah1 TRF1 turnover, induced by p53 Fujita et al. (2010)
TIN2* h Ubiquitylation Siah2 TIN2 depletion; possible role in shelterin remodeling Bhanot and Smith (2012)
TRF1 h Poly-ADP-ribosylation Tankyrase (1 and 2) Decrease of TRF1 affinity for the DNA; TRF1 proteasomal degradation; TL Smith and de Lange (2000), Cook et al. (2002), Dynek and Smith (2004)
Ub-TRF1 m, h Deubiquitylation USP22 TRF1 turnover; stabilization of WRN telomere association Atanassov et al. (2009)
TRF1, TRF2 m, h Sumoylation SMC5/6 HR and TL (in ALT cells) Potts and Yu (2007)
TRF2 h Methylation PRMT1 Telomere stability; telomere length regulation Mitchell et al. (2009)
TRF2 h Phosphorylation Aurora C*, ATM, CHK2 Decrease of TRF2 binding to telomere Tanaka et al. (2005), Spengler (2007), Buscemi et al. (2009)
TRF1 h Phosphorylation Plk1, CK2 Increase of telomere binding; role in TRF1 expression-induced apoptosis; TS Kim et al. (2008), Wu et al. (2008)
TRF1 h Phosphorylation ATM, Cdk1 Decrease of TRF1 binding to telomere; TL Wu et al. (2007a), McKerlie and Zhu (2011), McKerlie et al. (2012)
TRF1 h Phosphorylation Akt* TS Chen et al. (2009)
Cdc13 Sc Sumoylation Siz1, Siz2 Telomerase inhibition Hang et al. (2011)
Yku70/80, Sir4 Sc Sumoylation Siz2 Anchoring at NE, preventing TL Ferreira et al. (2011)
TERT h Ubiquitylation MKRN1, Hdm2, CHIP TERT proteasomal degradation; TS Kim et al. (2005), Lee et al. (2010), Oh et al. (2010)
TERT h Phosphorylation Tyrosine kinase c-Abl Inhibition of TERT activity; TS Kharbanda et al. (2000)
Subtelomeric DNA m Methylation DNMT1, DNMT3a, DNMT3b Chromatin compaction; recombination repression; TS Gonzalo et al. (2006)
nd m Phosphorylation DNA-PKcs Telomere protection Bailey et al. (2004), Williams et al. (2009)
nd Sc Ubiquitylation Cul8 Transcriptional silencing Mimura et al. (2010)

org, organism; m, mouse; h, human; At, Arabidopsis thaliana; Sc, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; nd, not determined; *, in vitro evidences; DDR, DNA damage response; A-NHEJ, alternative non-homologous end-joining; TL, telomere lengthening; HR, homologous recombination; TS, telomere shortening; NE, nuclear envelope.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure