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. 2013 Jan 24;5(2):439–455. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evt009

Table 1.

Data Set Overview: Genomes and Selected Features of 30 Arthropod Species

Species Genome Version Source Abbreviation Genes Missing Genes SSOGs Standard SSOGs Refined Distance to MRCA
Aedes aegypti L1.2 [V] Aaeg 17,399 1,161 1,105 52
Atta cephalotes 1.2 [H] Acep 18,093 989 2,074 1,970 10
Acyrthosiphon pisum 1 [A] Acyp 34,821 12,522 12,151 280
Acromyrmex echinatior 2.0/3.8 [H] Aech 17,278 1,253 2,730 2,644 10
Anopheles gambiae P3.6 [V] Agam 14,324 840 769 150
Apis mellifera 2 [H] Amel 11,062 223 431 289 140
Bombyx mori 2 [S] Bmor 14,623 2,866 2,701 285
Camponotus floridanus 3.3 [H] Cflo 17,064 676 1,896 1,761 115
Culex quinquefasciatus J1.2 [V] Cqui 18,882 902 821 52
Drosophila ananassae 1.3 [F] Dana 15,070 944 810 12
D. erecta 1.3 [F] Dere 15,048 666 558 4
D. grimshawi 1.3 [F] Dgri 14,986 811 702 32
D. melanogaster 5.37 [F] Dmel 13,914 318 230 4
D. mojavensis 1.3 [F] Dmoj 14,595 1,118 948 24
D. persimilis 1.3 [F] Dper 16,878 878 755 1
D. pseudoobscura 1.3 [F] Dpse 16,029 567 464 1
D. pulex 1.1 [J] Dpul 30,907 13,709 13,181 470
D. sechellia 1.3 [F] Dsec 16,471 645 527 1
D. simulans 1.3 [F] Dsim 15,415 637 522 1
D. virulans 1.2 [F] Dvir 14,491 792 680 24
D. willistoni 1.3 [F] Dwil 15,513 1,230 1,105 36
D. yakuba 1.3 [F] Dyak 16,082 959 829 4
Harpegnathos saltator 3.3 [H] Hsal 18,564 622 1,919 1,391 125
Ixodes scapularis W1.1 [V] Isca 20,486 7,007 6,677 550
Linepithema humile 1.2 [H] Lhum 16,116 678 1,448 1,349 120
Nasonia vitripennis 1.2 [H] Nvit 18,822 150 2,305 2,191 150
Pogonomyrmex barbatus 1.2 [H] Pbar 17,189 729 2,173 2,054 105
Pediculus humanus U1.2 [V] Phum 10,774 1,176 1,096 280
Solenopsis invicta 2.2.3 [H] Sinv 16,522 1,049 926 885 60
Tribolium castaneum 3 [B] Tcas 16,645 3,757 3,623 300

Note.—For each genome, the species name, genome version, and download source are given. A: AphidBase (Legeai et al. 2010); B: BeetleBase (Kim et al. 2010); F: FlyBase (McQuilton et al. 2012); H: Hymenoptera Genome Database (Munoz-Torres et al. 2011); J: DOE Joint Genome Institute (; S: SilkDB (Duan et al. 2010); V: VectorBase (Lawson et al. 2009). Abbreviation: Four-letter species abbreviation used throughout this manuscript; Genes: Number of protein-coding genes in the OGS (i.e., excluding possibly missing genes); SSOGs: derived with standard methods (Standard) or comprehensive filtering (Refined); Distance to the MRCA: Evolutionary distance (Myr) to the MRCA node in the phylogenetic tree of these 30 arthropods.