Figure 1.
Gene expression in CD8+ cells in uninfected and SIV infected REG and RAP monkeys. The expression of activation molecules was normalized against GAPDH. (a) Genes decreased in RAPs. Multiple group significances demonstrated by one-way ANOVA (TCRβ = 0.0483, CD3γ = 0.0149, PD-1 = 0.0044, granzyme A = 0.0033). (b) Genes increased in RAPS. Multiple group significances demonstrated by one-way ANOVA (Fas = 0.0015, Bax = 0.0002, Caspase 3 = 0.0034, TNFα = 0.0056, Tim3 = 0.0180, MyD88 = 0.0001, PP1β = 0.0114, Cyclin B1 = 0.0099). For both (a) and (b) significance between the groups was determined by post hoc Tukey testing, and indicated by *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001.