Comparison of the effects of nickel ions on Krebs cycle in the root mitochondria of Alyssum species. A, a kinetic investigation of citrate synthase (CS, EC in the root mitochondrial fractions of Ni(NO3)2-treated (700 μm) hyperaccumulator A. murale and comparison with A. montanum. B, a kinetic investigation of malate dehydrogenase activity in the direction of NADH oxidation (MDH, EC in the root mitochondrial fractions of Ni(NO3)2-treated (700 μm) hyperaccumulator A. murale and comparison with A. montanum. C, a kinetic investigation of malate dehydrogenase activity in the direction of malate oxidation (EC in the root mitochondrial fractions of Ni(NO3)2-treated (700 μm) hyperaccumulator A. murale and comparison with A. montanum. Total enzymatic activities are expressed as nanamolar/min/mg of mitochondrial protein. Results are the average of three independent determinations ± S.D. *, indicates significant difference from control, p < 0.05).