Figure 1. Electrical stimulation in the mouse mEC can turn on and off persistent activity.
A, recording schematic. Whole-cell current-clamp recordings were made from principal cells in layer 3 of the mEC. UP states were evoked by stimulating in layer 3 within 200 μm of the principal cell soma, and subsequent stimulation in layer 1 was used to terminate the UP state. B, representative trace with expansions showing a spontaneous UP state (lower left), an UP state evoked by layer 3 stimulation (lower middle) and an UP state evoked with layer 3 stimulation and terminated with layer 1 stimulation (lower right). C, duration and firing frequency of UP states evoked by layer 3 stimulation were not statistically significant from spontaneous UP states, but layer 1 stimulation significantly shortened the UP state. The whiskers in the boxplots represent the minimum and maximum values D, UP state duration plotted for 20 consecutive spontaneous UP states for three different neurons. E, UP state firing frequency plotted for the same neurons and UP states as D. **P < 0.01.