Appendix A.E-code Table.
Mechanism | E-codes |
Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVC) | E810-813, E815-819, E822-825, E829, E846-848, E929.0, E988.5 |
Motor Pedestrian Collisions (MPC) | E814 |
ATV/Snowmobile | E820-821 |
Watercraft Accident | E830-831, E838 |
Aircraft Accident | E840-841, E844 |
Railway Accident | E800-801, E805, E807 |
Assault/Abuse | E928.3, E960, E963-969 |
Self-Inflicted | E950, E953, E955, E957-959 |
Neglect | E904 |
Fall | E804, E834-835, E843, E880.0, E880.1, E880.9, E881.0, E882.0, 883.2, E883.9, E884, E885, E886.0, E886.9, E888, E929.3, E987 |
Drowning/Submersion | E832, E910 |
Other Asphyxiation* | E911-913, E983 |
Animal Injury | E827-828, E905-906 |
Burn/Scald | E837, E890-891, E893-894, E924, E926, E988.2 |
Crush Injuries | E918 |
Environmental Accidents | E900-901, E907-909, E928.8 |
Explosion/Electrocution | E921, E925 |
Firearms/ Explosives | E922-923, E985, E997 |
Home Injuries | E013, E849.7 |
Late Effects of Injuries | E929.1, E989 |
Machinery Accident | E919-920.1 |
Pedal Cycle Accident | E826 |
Overexertion | E927 |
Sports Accident | E006-007, E917.0, E917.5 |
Winter Sports | E003 |
Stab/Slice/Pierce | E914-915, E920.3, E920.4, E920.8, E920.9 |
Struck by or Against Object | E916, E917.1, E917.2, E917.3, E917.4, E917.6, E917.7, E917.8, E917.9 |
Other Accidents | E029.2, E883.0, E973 |
Unspecified Accidents | E000, E029.9-030, E849.0, E849.3, E849.4, E849.5, E849.6, E849.8, E849.9, E887, E928.9, E929.9, E983.8, E987.0, E988.8-988.9 |
*Includes choking on food, choking on non-food items, other mechanical asphyxiation, and strangulation not able to be determined as accidental.