Scheme of the Corallococcus coralloides DSM 2259 orphan NRPS-PKS gene group. The catalytic domains encoded by pksN1 are shown as bubbles. Abbreviations: Cy, cyclization; A, adenylation; KS, ketosynthase; KR, ketoreductase; TE, thioesterase; and E/L, esterase-lipase. The thiolation domains are shown as small black bubbles. In gray, the PKS module split between the putative PksN1 and PpsE2 PKSs is illustrated. Microbial-BLAST searches querying the KS contigs from the new PKS group, consisting only of A. brasiliensis, returned the sequence of the PksN1 KS4 domain (the only one in gray) as the best hit.