The Scl +40 element can enhance the Map17 promoter, but Map17 cannot rescue the SclΔ40/Δ40 ES cell phenotype. (A) (Left) Schematic representation of constructs used for luciferase assays. (Right) Luciferase activity in BW5147, 416B, F4N, and MDCT cell lines. Data are normalized to Map17P-Luc. (B) Representative photographs of EBs generated from SclWT/WT, SclΔ40/Δ40, and SclΔ40/Δ40 mice overexpressing Flag-Map17 and pelleted EBs (right). Magnification, ×1.5 (top) or ×5 (bottom). (C) Histograms showing the percentages of TER119-positive (left) and cKit-positive (right) cells in day 8 EBs. (D) Graphs showing expression of Map17 (left) and Scl (right) during embryoid body differentiation. Data are normalized to the expression at day 8 in SclWT/WT EBs. WT, SclWT/WT; KO, SclΔ40/Δ40.