Fig 1.
Phylogenetic relationships of the VP1 sequences of the studied HEV-A and HEV-D strains. (A) Phylogram based on partial VP1 sequences of EV-A71 strains (nt 1 to 855 according to EV-A71 prototype strain BrCr VP1 numbering). EV-A71 genogroups A to E are indicated by the corresponding letters. (B) Phylogram based on partial VP1 sequences of EV-A76 strains (nt 13 to 782 according to EV-A76 prototype strain FRA91-10369 VP1 numbering). (C) Phylogram based on partial VP1 sequences of CVA-10 strains (nt 478 to 862 according to CVA-10 prototype strain Kowalik VP1 numbering). (D) Phylogram based on partial VP1 sequences of EV-D111 strains (nt 117 to 471 according to EV-D111 prototype strain KK2640 VP1 numbering). The newly sequenced strains are in boldface type and highlighted by circles. For the reference sequences, the location and year of isolation and GenBank accession number are indicated in trees, if known. Triangles indicate prototype strains. For clarity, most bootstrap values of less than 70% have been omitted. The scale bars indicate nucleotide distance as substitutions per site.