Figure 7.
Changes in miRNA expression during head regeneration. (A) Heat map showing regulation of miRNAs during hydra head regeneration. The number of reads for each miRNA for each regeneration time point was normalized to per million reads; duplicates for each time point were averaged and then expressed as fold change over control expression levels. Log values of fold change to the base 2 were used for generating heat map. Only the miRNAs showing correlation coefficient of >0.95 and with at least 10 raw reads were considered for the analysis. (B) Quantitative PCR for miRNA hma-miR-2022-3p, hma-mir-new13-3p and hma-mir40-3p showing regulation of these miRNAs during head regeneration. hma-miR-2022-3p is down-regulated 3 days after mid-gastric cut, whereas hma-mir-new13-3p is up-regulated at 3 h after mid-gastric cut and hma-mir40-3p is up-regulated 3 h and 2 days after mid-gastric cut.