Figure 8. Cholinergic depolarization in layer II parasubicular neurons is mediated by an inhibition of a Ba2+-sensitive K+ conductance.
A. Mean group data show that Ba2+ (200 µM) induces a strong inward current in cells held at −60 mV, and that CCh (50 µM) fails to induce any additional inward current in the presence Ba2+ (*: p<0.05). B. Current traces in response to slow voltage ramps from −120 mV to −40 mV are shown for tests in the presence of TTX (0.5 µM) and ZD7288 (50 µM), after the addition of Ba2+ (200 µM), and after the addition of CCh (50 µM) (B1). Current subtractions (B2) show that Ba2+ induced an inward current consistent with suppression of an outward K+ current at voltages negative to EK, and that subsequent application of CCh failed to elicit an additional current. The inward current induced by CCh in the presence of XE-991 (see Fig. 7) is therefore mediated by a Ba2+-sensitive K+ current.