Fig. 4.
The relative expression of p65 mRNA and APE-1 mRNA by real-time PCR in KYSE220 stimulated by MCP-1 with or without pretreatment of MG-132. Control: unstimulated KYSE 220 cells; MG-132: KYSE220 cells treated with MG-132; MCP-1: MCP-1 stimulated KYSE 220 cells; MCP-1 + MG-132: MCP-1 stimulated KYSE 220 cells pretreated with MG-132. MCP-1 (0.1 µM) significantly induced the upregulation of p65 mRNA, which was abrogated by pretreatment of MG-132 (1 µM) (p<0.001; p<0.001, respectively; A). MCP-1 (0.1 µM) significantly induced the upregulation of APE-1 mRNA, which was abrogated by pretreatment of MG-132 (1 µM) (p<0.001; p<0.001, respectively; B). The results are representative of three separate experiments. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. (*p<0.001).