Histology of LEGH, LEGH with atypia, LEGH with coexisting AIS and mucinous GA and CA-IX expression in LEGH. Lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia without atypia (A) shows distinct lobular proliferation of the small- to medium-sized round glands surrounding larger central cystic dilated glands. The glands are lined by tall, mucin-rich columnar cells with a basal arrangement of nuclei, similar to pyloric glands (A, inset). Lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia with atypia (C, D): some show nuclear enlargement, conspicuous nucleoli and apoptosis (C, arrow); some exhibit papillary growth with nuclear irregularity and loss of polarity (D). Adenocarcinoma in situ is defined as when the gland was replaced by cytologically malignant cells with associated apoptosis and/or mitosis (E). Adenocarcinoma with gastric phenotype exhibits voluminous clear cytoplasm with stromal desmoplastic reaction (F). Note the small invasive gland embedded in the desmoplastic stroma (F, arrow). Carbonic anhydrase-IX expression in the LEGH without atypia is limited to the central larger cystic glands (B, arrow). Original magnifications: × 100 in (A) and × 400 (A, inset and B–F).