Figure 3.
Ba2+ acts as a weak agonist for CDI of CaV1.2 channels in tsA201 cells. A, Top, Recordings of Na+ current (green) evoked by 500 ms depolarization from −80 to −10 mV in cells in which AKAP79 was overexpressed either alone (79) or with CaNH151A. Control CaV1.2 Ca2+ (light gray) and Ba2+ (dark gray) current records reproduced from Figure 2A. Ca2+, Ba2+, and Na+ currents are shown scaled to the same peak inward current amplitude. Bottom, Inactivation rates measured for Ca2+ (light gray bar), Ba2+ (dark gray bar), and Na+ (green bars) currents carried by CaV1.2 channels in cells overexpressing AKAP79 (79) or AKAP79 and CaNH151A. Ca2+ and Ba2+ data reproduced from Figure 2A. B, Families of Ca2+, Ba2+, and Na+ currents through CaV1.2 channels, recorded over a range of test potentials that elicited inward current in cells overexpressing AKAP79. C, For Ca2+, Ba2+, and Na+ currents carried by CaV1.2 channels, inactivation rates obtained over a range of test potentials applied to cells overexpressing AKAP79. No forskolin was used in the experiments.