Fig. 5.
Polarity defect in cdk-1 mutants is rescued by removal of cortical WRM-1. (A) Stacked bar graphs as in Fig. 2. src-1(RNAi)-dependent spindle rotation defect in the transgenic line harboring flag::wrm-1T30AS46A and cdk-1(ne2257ts) mutant grown at 20 °C is rescued in animals further subjected to wrm-1(RNAi) or animals containing mom-4(ne1539ts) or lit-1(ne1539ts) mutations (+ in red). (B) Synergistic effect on the spindle rotation defect is not observed when the transgenic line harboring flag::wrm-1T30AS46A is treated with RNAi targeting Wnt signaling components mom-2, mom-5, disheveled, or apr-1. N represents the number of embryos scored.