Figure 1. TAF15 HITS-CLIP of human brains and mouse neurons.
A. HITS-CLIP schematic.
B. TAF15 CLIPs from three human brains. Lines (black; 1L, 2L, and 3L, red; 2H and 3H) indicate TAF15-RNA complexes that were excised for library preparation. NRS; non-immune serum (negative control).
C. Screen shot from UCSC Genome Browser of portion of human Gria2 gene (chr4: 158,255,078-158,257,088) with TAF15 peaks.
D. Distribution of human brain CLIP-tag peaks.
E. TAF15 CLIPs from cultured mouse neurons.
F. Distribution of mouse neuron CLIP-tag peaks.
G. Overlap between top human and mouse TAF15 RNA targets.
See also Figures S1, S2 and S3.