Objective sleep (TST, TWT and NAPTIME) before (Baseline) and during the last week of cycle 4 chemotherapy (C4LW). Note: Compared to baseline, after 4 cycles of chemotherapy, TST (nighttime total sleep time, hour:minute) increased significantly (6:40±1:18 vs. 6:53±1:23, p=0.03) after controlling for confounders (time, BMI, race, chemotherapy cycle length, and use of antihypertensives) but remained under 7 hours at both time points. There were no significant changes in TWT (nighttime total wake time, hour:minute, 1:52±1:6 vs. 1:54±1:8, p=0.5) or NAPTIME (daytime total nap time, hour:minute, 0:58±1:4 vs. 1:15±1:8, p=0.2), but both remained relatively high after adjusting for confounders (TWT: adjusted for time, BMI, race and chemotherapy cycle length; NAPTIME: adjusted for time, cancer stage, and use of antacids, antidepressants and diuretics).