Figure 4. Decrease in lung pathology upon elimination of crossreactive T-cells by using LCMV and IAV epitope KO viruses.
The lung pathology day 7 p.i. with LCMV was scored. Photographs depict a representative section showing a high power view of a small portion of one of the 4-5 different lung sections that were used for scoring in each individual mouse demonstrating the type of lung pathology observed in each group. (a,b) Mice were immunized with IAV, PR WT strain (◻), or with IAV KO viruses PR-NP366 (▵), PR-PA224 (▿) or PR-PA-NP (◇), and challenged with LCMV. (b,c) Naïve (●) or IAV-immune mice (◻) were infected with the WT LCMV or with different strains of LCMV knock down for NP396 (NPV) (▵) or GP33/34 (GP1V) (▿) or both GP33/34 and GP276 (GPV) (◇). Data were pooled from 3 experiments (n=2-5 mice/gp/expt).