(A) PCR genotyping of WT (+/+), heterozygous (f/+) and homozygous (f/f) floxed Crry gene (upper panel), and of the Pf4-Cre transgene (lower panel). Tail DNA was used as a template. WT Crry allele corresponded to a 970 bp band, whereas the floxed allele corresponded to a 1100 bp band. A 350 bp fragment, corresponding to a mutated Crry allele, was present in floxed and Pf4-Cre+ mice. (B) FACS analysis showing that Crry was expressed on the platelets of WT and Pf4-Cre−-Crryflox/flox mice but not of Pf4-Cre+-Crryflox/flox or DAF−/−/Crry−/−/C3−/− (TKO) mice. (C) FACS analysis demonstrating that Crry deletion was specific to the platelets of Pf4-Cre+-Crryflox/flox mice as erythrocyte expression of Crry on these mice was not affected. (D) FACS analysis confirming that DAF was absent on the platelets of TKO, Pf4-Cre−-Crryflox/flox and Pf4-Cre+-Crryflox/flox mice.