(A, B) Representative photomicrograph showing more megakaryocytes (positive for vWF, original magnification 200×) in the BMs of Pf4-Cre+-Crryflox/flox mice (B) than in Pf4-Cre−-Crryflox/flox mice (A). (C) Photomicrograph showing mono-, di-, tri- and poly-nucleated megakaryocytes expressing vWF (original magnification 600×) in the BM of a Pf4-Cre+-Crryflox/flox mouse. (D) Enumeration of different types of megakaryocytes confirmed that there were more megakaryocytes in the BMs of Pf4-Cre+-Crryflox/flox mice. The percentage of mono/di-nucleated megakaryocytes was significantly lower in Pf4-Cre+-Crryflox/flox mice but the percentage of tri- or poly-nucleated megakaryocytes was significantly higher in Pf4-Cre+-Crryflox/flox mice (n= 4 mice per group). Error bars represent ±SEM. *P < 0.05, Student t test.