Fig. 4. Phylogenetic relationships among insect attacins.
Amino acid sequences of M. sexta attacin-1 through -6 (Mse-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, green); Antheraea mylitta attacin-A, B, C (Amy-A, B, C), Antheraea pernyi attacin-A, B, C (Ape-A, B, C), B. mori attacin-1 and 2 (Bmo-1, 2), D. melanogaster attacin-A (Dme-A), Hyalophora cecropia attacin-B and E (Hce-B, E), Hyphantria cunea attacin-A and B (Hcu-A, B), T. castaneum attacin-1 (Tca-1) are aligned using MUSCLE 3.7 at The phylogenetic tree was constructed using JTT substitution matrix in ProtDist/FastDist+ neighbor with a bootstrap replicates of 1000. The bootstrap values (%) are indicated at nodes. Correct assembling of Mse-5 (17350 + 13563) and -6 (15744 + 16576 + 15159) from multiple contigs is confirmed by the draft genome sequence (data not shown).