Figure 1.
Time course of elevated corticosterone (cort) and blood alcohol levels (BALs) during adolescent alcohol vapor exposure. Plasma samples were collected by rapid decapitation at 1-h intervals in male rats during a 6-h vapor exposure session or at the same time points in air-exposed controls on PND 30 and PND 36. Samples were analyzed to determine plasma cort levels (A) and BALs (B). Data are represented as mean ± SEM of 4–6 rats per time point. Inverted triangle with short dashed line, Control (collapsed across ages); Square with large dashed line, AIE PND 30; Triangle with solid line, AIE PND36. *, P<0.05, **, P<0.01, AIE vs. Control (A) or PND 30 vs. PND 36 (B).