Figure 6.
Rad1, Rad10, and Saw1 form a stable complex. (A) Purification of His-Rad1/Rad10/Saw1 (left) and His-Rad1/Rad10 (right) from Cobalt column. The asterisk indicates Rad1 degradation products, as determined by western blot. Irrelevant lanes were removed. The lanes in each sub-panel originate from the same gel. (B) Elution profile of broad range standards (grey) and Rad1/Rad10/Saw1 (blue) through the Superose 6 column. The molecular weights of the standards are indicated in kDa above the grey curve. (C) Analysis of representative His-Rad1/Rad10/Saw1 gel filtration fractions. Fractions were analysed for the presence of Rad1 (top; silver stain), Rad10 (middle; western blot), or Saw1 (bottom; western blot). Fractions that contain all three proteins are indicated by an asterisk. The fraction that contains only Rad1 and Rad10 is indicated by the pound sign. Depending on the preparation, Rad1/Rad10 alone elutes in fraction K through M. The Rad1 data are from two gels electrophoresed and stained in parallel. Molecular weight marker and empty lanes were removed. The western blot images for each protein were obtained from the same exposure of filters processed in parallel.
Source data for this figure is available on the online supplementary information page.