Fig. 4.
Effects of premating exposure to 40 ppm ZEA diet on embryo implantation detected on D4.5 and oocytes/embryos detected on D1.5. (A) The percentage of plugged mice with implantation sites detected on D4.5. *p = 0.043. (B) The average number of implantation sites per pregnant mouse detected on D4.5. Error bars: SD. (A and B) All, combined data for each group; first to third (1st–3rd) morning and after third (>3rd) morning, the time when a vaginal plug was detected after cohabitation. (C) Average number of oocytes and embryos per mouse. N = 6 and N = 13 for 0 and 40 ppm ZEA-treated groups, respectively. Error bars: SD. (D) Percentage of mice with embryos on D1.5. *p = 0.047. N = 7 and N = 14 for 0 and 40 ppm ZEA-treated groups, respectively. (E) Relative percentage of unfertilized oocytes, two-cell stage embryos, and four- to eight-cell stage embryos from mice with embryos (0 ppm ZEA, N = 49; 40 ppm ZEA, N = 87). *p < 0.0001, percentage of unfertilized oocytes compared with 0 ppm ZEA-treated group. (F, G, and H) Representative images of an unfertilized oocyte (F), a two-cell stage embryo (G), and a four- to eight-cell stage embryo (H), respectively.