Figure 3. Single scan 13C spectra of DEO-13C2 acquired after the CPMG part of the M2S sequence.
a,b, Consistent pertubation in 13C spectra in experiment (a) and simulation (b) after the CPMG sequence with the same interpulse delay (4.92 ms) and with various numbers of echo pulses (n1); maximum conversion in the singlet-triplet subspace occurs after 45 echo pulses, middle row of b, which is the spectrum after a perfect conversion from carbon triplet to singlet (see the text). c,d, Consistent pertubation in 13C spectra in experiment (c) and simulation (d) after the CPMG sequence with the same number of echo pulses (n1 = 45) and various interpulse delays (τ = 2, 4.92 or 16 ms). Minimum perturbation can be observed with 2 or 16 ms interpulse delays.