This plot shows the association of rs290481 with ABI for each of the discovery and replication studies, and then results with these studies combined by meta-analysis. The x-axis contains beta coefficients for the association of rs290481 with ABI in the discovery and replication studies, and the y-axis shows studies or groups of studies. Circles represent the beta coefficient (except for overall replication and discovery + replication meta-analysis results, where beta coefficients are designated by a diamond), and error bars are 95% confidence intervals. p-Values for heterogeneity are by Cochran’s Q. Study abbreviations are as follows: ARIC = atherosclerosis risk in communities, CFS = Cleveland family study, CHS = cardiovascular health study, FHS = Framingham heart study, MESA = multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis, KORA F3 and KORA F4 = cooperative research in the region of Augsburg, PDHS = Penn diabetes heart study, GeneSTAR = genetic study of aspirin responsiveness, PREVEND = prevention of renal and vascular end-stage disease, Copenhagen = Copenhagen city heart study, NHANES = national health and nutrition examination survey, LIPAD = Linz peripheral arterial disease, CAVASIC = cardiovascular disease in intermittent claudication, and GenePAD = genetic determinants of peripheral arterial disease.