(A) In the yeast two-hybrid assay, Cx43 interacts with the μ2 subunit of the AP2 complex in a sorting motif–dependent manner. Yeast were cotransformed with the indicated GAL4-binding domain and GAL4 transcription activation domain fusion constructs. Measured by growth on selective media (−His), only the wild-type (WT) tail of Cx43 interacted with the μ2 subunit of the AP2 complex. PVA3 (p53) and PTD1 (large T-antigen) served as positive control, while rabinosyn-5 served as the negative control. (B) Cx43 (green) colocalizes with clathrin and EEA-1 in single cells. (C and D) Cx43 (green) colocalizes with the AP2 complex (red) in both single and contacting cells. (B–D) Outlined boxes are shown at higher power.