Figure 2. Dex impairs satellite cell function in vitro.
A. Satellite cells were co-immunostained with anti-GR (Red) or Pax7 (green); nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). In the merged picture (right column), satellite cells expressing glucocorticoid receptor (GR) are yellow (bar = 50 µm). B. Satellite cells were treated with Dex plus PBS or Dex plus myostatin inhibitor for 24 h, the percentage of Ki67 and Pax7 dual-positive (yellow) cells to total Pax-7 positive cells was calculated as the satellite cell proliferation rate (right panel) (*p<0.05; Dex vs. non-Dex-treatment, CTRL, bar = 50 µm). C. Satellite cells were cultured in differentiation media with Dex plus PBS or Dex plus myostatin inhibitor for 96 h, differentiated satellite cells were evaluated by immunostaining them with anti-eMyHC (green). The right panel summarizes the differentiation index (*p<0.05; Dex vs. non-Dex-treatment, CTRL, bar = 50 µm).