Figure 5. Dex or myostatin can inhibit Akirin1 expression.
Satellite cells were treated with different concentrations of Dex for 24 h. A. Akirin-1 mRNA expression was examined by RT-PCR (corrected for GAPDH). The fold change vs. control (no Dex) are shown (*p<0.05; Dex vs. no-Dex; n = 3 independent experiments). B. A representative western blot of Akirin1 is in the upper panel. The band density of Akirin1 corrected for GAPDH are shown in lower panel. (*p<0.05; Dex vs. no-Dex; n = 3 independent experiments). C&D. Satellite cells were treated with different concentrations of myostatin. Akirin1 mRNA (C) and protein (D) was examined (*p<0.05 vs. no myostatin; n = 3 independent experiments). E. Stable cell lines were selected with puromycin from myoblasts transducted with lentivirus of shRNA-myostatin or shRNA-control and treated with or without Dex for 24 h. Representative Western blots of myostatin and Akirin1 are shown.