Figure 3.
Effect of diabetes on the expression of retinal Tim complex and the binding of TFAM with Tim44. Tim 23 (a) gene and (b) protein expressions were quantified by qPCR and by western blot techniques using Tim44 antibody from Abcam (~51KD band). The same sample was utilized to quantify Tim44 (c) gene and (d) mitochondrial expressions. (e) Binding of TFAM with Tim44 was performed by immunoprecipitating TFAM, followed by western blot analysis for Tim44 using TFAM as a loading control within samples. The values are represented as mean ±SD from four to eight animals in each group. Nor- normal, PC- poor glycemic control for ~8 months, Rev- poor glycemic control for ~ 4 months followed by ~4 months good control and GC- good glycemic control for ~8 months. *P<0.05 compared with normal.